Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Meeting Elinor Piece Bailey

While shopping a quilt shop in Brooklyn, now closed, I saw an announcement about a class featuring Elinor Piece Bailey. There were still openings for the class and I had funds, so you know I signed up. We had to select an EPB pattern and my choice was the Mermaid, I had no idea she was soooooooo big!
I had a great time at the class and the mermaid will always be my favorite doll. Elinor helped with my eyes and they are beautiful. She gave me some sound advice concerning my scissors. When she saw my Fiskers, she told me I needed some sexy scissors and turned me on to Ginghers. I purchased a pair right on the spot and have been in love with them ever since. I also walked away with an autographed copy of one of her books, all in all not a bad day.

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