Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Time Flies

I really hadn’t realized how fast time has past until I checked in on my blog. Yipes!!! I hadn’t written anything since the summer.
Okay, summer vacation was over and school took over my life again- there went my craft time.
Well the doll club crew met in September and we had a great time with our show and tell. We were all thrilled by the way our challenge dolls turned out, so out came Venus with the camera and we set the babies up for their close up and submission to Cloth Dolls and Animals magazine. To say we were excited was an understatement. Finally we were happy with the results.
The Needle Nose Doll Club is on the map! Our babies were publish in the current issue of the magazine. We're stars!!!!

1 comment:

Yvonne Nathanson said...

I love these dolls and what a fun way to pose them. Thanks for sharing!!